Vehicle Detailing Exterior
- 2 bucket and jetwash and hand polish
- From £75
- Single Stage Orbital Machine surface cut and seal 97 PTFE
- Two Stage Light correction Orbital Machine Compound Polishing
- Three Stage Medium Correction Orbital Machine Compound Polishing
- Four Stage Course/Medium/Light Machine Polishing
- From £175
- From £275
- From £350
- From 599
Services 1-4 Includes a PTFE sealant protection
Heavy Correction
- Flat & Polish
- Flat & Polish Two Stage
- Flat & Polish Three Stage
- Flat & Polish Four Stage
- From POA
- From £399
- From £499
- From £599
Services 2-4 Include a PTFE Sealant protection
- Decontamination of Paint surfaces – Clay Bar / Flat & Polish
- From POA
Protection and Sealants
- Diamondbrite
- Ceramic
- From £325
- From POA
Please Call for A more in-depth consultation about paint protectants as there are so many brands to choose from . POA
To be updated in due course…………………